Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Two Days to Release

The cover for the book that Cara Preston and I wrote is on the coming soon page for Red Rose Publishing – that is pretty exciting. It is mislabeled as Erotic Romance, but, small issues for small minds.

I spoke with Cara tonight – we are both excited about the release, and proud of the book. It was a great experience writing the book together and a lot of fun having it edited by Rene Lyons. She did a great job, and did the cover art too.

I bought the SpikeFremont.com domain recently and am working on the website. It should be up in a rudimentary fashion by Sunday. Things are fun right now.

The book by Cara and me is pretty fun. I hope you buy it.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Release Date

The latest on the release date for “Pickup Lines from a Pickup Truck” is this Thursday, November 1st at www.RedRosePublishing.com. I finished the final edits recently and have seen a copy of the eBook in Adobe format – it was pretty exciting for me. It had Copyrights and ISBN numbers, which for a bibliophile like me, is pretty big. The book is only $1.99 and downloading it is hassle free – I have done it myself. I think it is sort of cute and funny and I hope you like it.

I am thinking about having a contest. My thought is to give away a copy of my next book; “A Slice of Life” which I think will be out in December. I was thinking of maybe having readers tell me their favorite part of “Pickup Lines from a Pickup Truck” and then choosing a winner from the responses. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to contact me either by responding here or by sending me an email.

I hope you check out RedRosePublishing.com and consider buying “Pickup Lines From a Pickup Truck.” Let me know.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Launch Party Redux

We had the launch party at Ecata Romance last night. It was pretty fun. I met a lot of people and got some great advice on promoting my books. Now I just need to keep writing and keep promoting and who knows, I might get my picture up in the Post Office when I grow up.

I signed up for National Novel Writing Month last year and they automatically signed me up this year. It’s a contest where anyone that writes 50,000 words in the month of November wins. Winners get a certificate. In the past, several winners also got print publishing contracts. I am considering trying it again this year but I am not sure if it is the best use of my time right now.

I need to find out from RedRose when my release is for “Pickup Lines from a Pickup Truck” so I can let everyone know. Several people at the launch party told me that they heard it was funny and cute, so hopefully I will sell a few copies.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Launch Party

I have been through the editing process for my first book. It was enlightening. I confirmed my suspicions that I am not a good writer. It’s a bit of a conundrum – I am good enough to get published, twice, but I still need a ton of work. It confirms all the things I have learned, mainly that good writing is rewriting

RedRosePublishing.com is having a launch party on October 25th at 9:00 PM. It’s a chat format and you can go there: http://www.catanetw ork.com/chat. html. I will be there chatting up “Pickup Lines From a Pickup Truck” and “A Slice of Life.” Neither book is available yet, but I want to try to create a little buzz. “Pickup Lines From a Pickup Truck” will be available next month and “A Slice of Life” will probably be out in December.

Finding time to write is difficult. I have two young children and a full time job. I have written these two shorts, a 15,000 word memoir and 20,000 words of a young adult novel in the last three years. I wish I had more time, I feel I could write more.

My next short is conceived – character sketches and a plot summary developed. I am excited about applying the things I have learned from the publishing process and hope to write a tighter story with more developed characters this time. Writing truly is a muscle – the more you use it the more efficient it gets.

I hope to see you, both of you, at the launch party on Thursday.
