Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Second Time

I am going through the final line edits for my second book to be published by RedRosePublishing.com and am finding it somewhat less exciting than the first time. That is, I surmise, to be expected. It may also be a function of my editor being different from my first story, and from the first round of edits on this book.

I think it is silly to be attached to an editor. I am attached to an editor. Therefore, I am silly. That is a syllogism.

Why is it important for me to know this stupid stuff? Mainly because I encounter smart kids everyday that want to know it too, that will need to know it at some point. So, what now? New editor, wants to make a few changes, whatever. Go with the flow. I think the new editor is probably good, probably different, probably smart. But, it mucks things up for me. Feel free to substitute an “f” for an “m” in the previous sentence.

Here is my shiznit. Show it to me in the final draft! I keep getting it with changes tracked and I get confused, I am a simple man. Simple is as simple does.

I feel a need to travel! Anyone want to host a writer/teacher in Latin America or Europe? Let me know, free books are available.

It is never the same as the first!


Monday, November 19, 2007

The Inexorable Grind

“Pickup Lines From a Pickup Truck” has now been on the proverbial shelf for almost three weeks and I have begun the inexorable grind towards anonymity. I wonder if the other authors at RedRosePublishing.com experience the same phenomenon; if Raven Star, Shara Azod, Skyler Gray or Jae-Lynn McKnight are struggling with their next projects?

Hell, for that matter, did John Grisham feel this way after “The Firm.” I remember reading that Grisham followed up “The Firm” by writing “The Pelican Brief” in six weeks. Granted, it wasn’t the best novel he wrote, but he did sell the movie rights. I wouldn’t mind that type of follow up.

But, it would appear that my window of opportunity is slowly closing. I doubt I can afford to wait a decade between books like Donna Tartt or David Duncan. I do have another coming soon, “A Slice of Life,” but after that, the Romance pipeline is empty. I have started two other short Romances, but have all but abandoned them at this point. I lack the discipline to write regularly and that is a product of having a full time job and young children. I also have a young adult novel and a memoir in the works, but all of my writing projects are being neglected currently. I doubt that admission is going to fire up my readership, but, that constituency is pretty small at present.

The nice thing about writing short stories, Romance or otherwise, is that the time required to complete a project is relatively short. This allows people with other obligations, like me, and people with short attention spans, like me, the opportunity to complete projects and submit them for publication. Once the demands on my time slacken, I feel confident in my ability to devote more time to writing. In the meantime, I will continue to explore writing opportunities and to read.

My current reading list includes Michael Chabon and Kurt Vonnegut. I have been a fan of Chabon’s for almost ten years, but Vonnegut is a new addition for me. I read “Slaughterhouse Five” about a month ago and am currently reading “Welcome to the Monkey House.” It’s a collection of short stories. Both of these authors intimidate me. If I wasn’t aware of the wide variety of readers, I may actually quit writing when considering their prodigious talent. Of course, I feel the same way about a lot of writers.

In spite of the intimidation factor, I am going to work hard to reverse the inexorable grind towards anonymity; I am going to work hard on the next project; I am going to work hard to continue writing. I hope you continue reading.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Oops, I forgot!

It has come to my attention that I have not been actively promoting my book, which was the main reason I started this Blog in the first place.

Oops, my bad.

I started writing about fifteen years ago, not for publication, just for shits and grins. I read Mike Shayne, Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen magazines as a kid. I always read the shortest stories first because my attention span was short. But, by the end of the month, I had read all the stories but the novelette, which was 25-45 pages long. I reluctantly read it because the next magazine wasn’t due for a week or two and inevitably, I had read the mag cover to cover before the new one came.

These experiences motivated me to write “Pickup Lines from a Pickup Truck” and “A Slice of Life,” and the unfinished novel and the unfinished memoir. They have informed my writing style, my choice of subject matter and ultimately, who I am as a writer –whoever that may be, it is still a work in progress.

As part of that work in progress, I would welcome any comments from readers. I write for myself, but part of my motivation is to make readers happy. So, please, buy my books at WWW.RedRosePublishing.com and let me know what you think. I am Spike_Fremont@yahoo.com.



Monday, November 5, 2007

Fits and Starts

I was a little bit excited to start my new short story, had it all mapped out with character sketches and a plot outline. I started it three days ago. And now it is flotsam, awash in the milieu that is my life, forgotten and forlorn as I attend to more pressing needs.

This is just one example of how writing takes a back seat to life, often by necessity. I really don’t have a choice. I cannot tell my employer to hold a deadline while I take a few days off to finish a story. Nor can I tell my kids to go chillax while daddy writes. Some things are more pressing than others and writing gets kicked to the back burner, to simmer, to burn or to turn to mush while life’s demands occupy your attention.

The key for me is to have that story calling to me every day...Spike, come bring us to life, make us dance, give us something to do. Of course, I have several projects talking to me and the squeakiest wheel will get my attention. Whether it is the novel, the memoir, the journal, the Blog or the short story that gets my attention depends entirely on which story is calling the loudest and most stridently. More often than not, the most strident voice is that of life’s responsibilities and the stories will have to wait.

As long as they keep calling me, insistently and with commitment, they will get attention from me, they will get written, they will get brought to life.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Post Release Stress Syndrome

So the chat last night was fun. We had about 15-20 people total, not all at the same time. Now the hard part starts – promoting. I don’t think EBooks sell a lot, maybe 100 is a big number, but it seems like free advertising to me, an opportunity to promote myself and develop some sort of presence. We’ll see what happens.

It’s Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend! I have a few things to do around the house, but I want to get started on my next project. I am going to write another romance. I have characters in mind and a semblance of plot, but I need to flesh it out and get writing. I am anxious to apply all the things I have learned from going through this process.

I also need to get with Rene on cover art for “A Slice of Life.” We finished the editing – just need final line edits, then cover art and then it is ready. It may go November 15th, but more likely December 1st.

Keep writing.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Big Release

The day is finally here. “Pickup Lines from a Pickup Truck” is on the front page of www.RedRosePublishing.com and available for purchase at $1.99. How cool is that? The whole process of writing to release has spanned about nine months, which is probably a pretty short cycle in the publishing industry, but seemed like forever to me.

I have finished the second round of edits on “A Slice of Life.” I have to do the dedication and then work with Rene on the cover art. I have no excuse now and need to get started on the next project, which I think will be another short story.
