Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Now What?

Now What?

It’s an interesting question that needs to be addressed on several fronts for me, “Now What?” what?

Book two is forthcoming, I know I have been saying that for months and both of you are anxiously waiting, but really, now what? My writing career isn’t exactly rocketing into the stratosphere, so now what.

Well, I really expected both of you to tell two friends, who would tell two friends, who would tell two friends, but, it didn’t happen, so you let me down.

Truthfully, I never expected any of that to happen. I expected to sell five copies and to blog to make myself happy and that is what has happened. Some people read it, some comment, some buy my book. It is what it is.

So I continue to teach, I continue to not write, because after all, what does a writer do but rebel and not write, and I continue to believe that I can write, although I never write. I think about writing all the time, but, I never write. I think that makes me a writer, no?

So, if you are a fan of me not writing, let me know. If you are a fan of me writing, tell me to write so that I feel good about not writing. I will continue to not write so that I can make my fans of my not writing happy, because after all, it is all about not writing, right?


1 comment:

A.M. said...

Have you ever been told to NOT think about a pink elephant? Bet you you just pictured it. I think you're over-thinking. It's difficult to not over-analyze because we're told thats what good readers(and witers) do. If you force yourself to "be creative" then are you being creative?
You write all the time. Okay, so your told you can't make a few million by selling post it notes... but how do you know?
Don't force yourself to do things. Don't over-analyze and beat yourself up. I mean really, who imposed the view of success? I bet the answer is you did. I bet your kids think you can write. I bet they think your a hero! Look at everything you have, starting with life. I can guarantee you have more assets than libilities.
If you need a muse...ask Alyssa to write a story for you.