Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eve of Monumental Change

I’m resigned to the fact that Obama will be the President Elect of The United States of America by the time I wake up tomorrow and that’s not such a bad thing. American taxpayers have been robbed for the last 100 years by the politicians in Washington, so is anything really going to change? So the Chief Executive has a different hue to his complexion, what’s the big deal?

I’m resigned to the fact that America will continue to hurtle headlong into a two class society. I’m resigned to the fact that we will continue to bail out big business, to enrich powerful people and interest groups, to be addicted to the teat of fossil fuels and to be personally impotent to do anything about it. While we are a great country, we will continue to be a dysfunctional socialist republic dressed up in our democratic façade.

Change is the only constant in life. Learning to accept change and find a way to thrive in a brave new world is a survival skill and those who believe in Darwinism should accept the challenge. Those who don’t should remove themselves from the gene pool.

I have a feeling that last statement will haunt me...maybe when I am homeless because my house is worthless and I chose to walk away, because my government has no money to bail me out because I am much further down the food chain than AIG and GM, maybe then I will rue that line.

Of course, I may just pursue the Native American resolution to worthless members of society...half a sandwich and a walk in the woods...?

Anyway, I’ll keep working, keep writing, keep paying taxes. Keep on keeping on!


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