Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Slice of Life

Well, I am thrilled that my second book is now out and available from Red Rose Publishing, It should soon be available from all of the usual suspects, FictionWise, MobiPocket, Amazon, Crescent and Diesel. I just wish I had time to publicize and market it! I am so busy with the day job, the kids, the second job, that I just cannot find the time to promote it. So, do me a favor and help me out – tell your friends about it.

Hopefully it will get reviewed in the next six months, which is how long it took for “Pickup Lines From a Pickup Truck” to get reviewed, but hey, I am not on the top of the food chain...but if I was...well, I will leave that for another post.

For now, just know that I am inordinately busy with the daily detritus of demeaning demands of employment, parenting and paying the bills.


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