Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Second Time

I am going through the final line edits for my second book to be published by RedRosePublishing.com and am finding it somewhat less exciting than the first time. That is, I surmise, to be expected. It may also be a function of my editor being different from my first story, and from the first round of edits on this book.

I think it is silly to be attached to an editor. I am attached to an editor. Therefore, I am silly. That is a syllogism.

Why is it important for me to know this stupid stuff? Mainly because I encounter smart kids everyday that want to know it too, that will need to know it at some point. So, what now? New editor, wants to make a few changes, whatever. Go with the flow. I think the new editor is probably good, probably different, probably smart. But, it mucks things up for me. Feel free to substitute an “f” for an “m” in the previous sentence.

Here is my shiznit. Show it to me in the final draft! I keep getting it with changes tracked and I get confused, I am a simple man. Simple is as simple does.

I feel a need to travel! Anyone want to host a writer/teacher in Latin America or Europe? Let me know, free books are available.

It is never the same as the first!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are incredibly funny. I have thoroughly enjoyed your musings. I will now have to buy your book-as soon as I finish the one under deadline. Keep writing, the experience is just that, an experience. That was not as deep as I thought it would be. Oh, well. Cheers!
